- Publications in 2023-2024
Park, K., Jung, M., & Fang, Z. (2023). The value-growth premium in a time-varying risk return framework. International Review of Economics & Finance, 88, 1500-1512.
Duong, K. D., Le, A. N. N., Nguyen, D. V., & Le, H. T. P. (2023). Impact of Ownership Structure and Business Diversifications on the Risk-Taking Behaviors of Insurance Companies in Vietnam. SAGE Open, 13(3), 21582440231187575.
Vuong, G. T. H., Phan, P. T. T., Nguyen, C. X., Nguyen, D. M., & Duong, K. D. (2023). Liquidity creation and bank risk-taking: Evidence from a transition market. Heliyon, 9(9).
Duong, K. D., Le Vu, H., Nguyen, D. V., & Pham, H. (2023). How do employee stock ownership plans programs and ownership structure affect bank performance? Evidence from Vietnam. Managerial and Decision Economics, 44(5), 2604-2614.
Duong, K. D., Tran, M. M., Nguyen, Q. N., & Le, H. T. P. (2023). The MAX puzzle in a frontier market before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Investment Analysts Journal, 52(1), 4-18.
Vy, N. N. T., Luu, T. Q., & Wong, W. K. (2023). Impact of Globalisation on Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 28(1), 81-112.
Le-Bao, T., Ho, L., & Lang, D. (2023). Basel III standards and liquidity determinants in Vietnamese commercial bank. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 10(3), 401-412.
Le, A. N. N., Pham, H., Pham, D. T. N., & Duong, K. D. (2023). Political stability and foreign direct investment inflows in 25 Asia-Pacific countries: the moderating role of trade openness. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-9.
Nguyen-Quynh-Nhu Ngo,Talha, Mohammad, Mustafa Raza Rabbani, and Gia-Nhi Vu. "Do board friendliness and economic development affect firm’s abnormal earnings? An evidence of quantile regression." Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 10, no. 1 (2024): 100193.
- Publications in 2022-2023
Duong, K. D., Truong, L. T. D., Huynh, T. N., & Luu, Q. T. (2022). Financial constraints and the financial distress puzzle: Evidence from a frontier market before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Investment Analysts Journal, 51(1), 35-48.
Bui, N. D., Wang, Y. Y., & Lee, J. P. (2022). Payout policies, government ownership, and financial constraints: Evidence from Vietnam. International Review of Finance, 22(4), 600-636.
Duong, K. D., Tran, M. M., Nguyen, D. V., & Le, H. T. P. (2022). How fears index and liquidity affect returns of ivol puzzle before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10(1), 2114175.
Suu, N. D., Tien, H. T., Pan, S. H., & Wong, W. K. (2023). Impact of foreign ownership and foreign bank presence on liquidity risk: Evidence from Viet Nam. Advances in Decision Sciences, 27(1), 23-44.
- Publications in 2021-2022
Nhan, D. T. T., Pho, K. H., ANH, D. T. V., & McAleer, M. (2021). Evaluating the efficiency of Vietnam banks using data envelopment analysis. Annals of Financial Economics, 16(02), 2150010.
Do Nhan, T. T., Hung Pho, K., Thi van Anh, D., & MJ, M. M. (2021). The safety of banks in Vietnam using CAMEL. Advances in Decision Sciences, 25(2).
Suu, N. D., Tien, H. T., & Wong, W. K. (2021). The impact of capital structure and ownership on the performance of state enterprises after equitization: Evidence from Vietnam. Annals of Financial Economics, 16(02), 2150007.
Nguyen, D. S., Nghiem, Q. H., & Do, T. N. (2021). Non-Performing Loans of Commercial Banks, and Their Causes: Evidence from Vietnam. Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation, 5(4), 239-253.
Duong, K. D., Nguyen, Q. N., Le, T. V., & NGUYEN, D. V. (2021). Limit-to-arbitrage factors and ivol returns puzzle: Empirical evidence from Taiwan before and during COVID-19. Annals of Financial Economics, 16(01), 2150004.
Tran, Y. T., Nguyen, N. P., & Hoang, T. C. (2021). Effects of leadership and accounting capacity on accountability through the quality of financial reporting by public organisations in Vietnam. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 15(3), 484-502.
Nguyen, D. S., Nguyen, V. D., Tran, D. T., & Dempsey, M. J. (2021). The Firm’s Performance in Relation to Capital Structure and Foreign Ownership: Evidence from Vietnam. Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation, 5(1), 35-49.
LE, T. T. H., LE, T. D., TRAN, T. D., DUONG, Q. N., DAO, L. K. O., & DO, T. T. N. (2021). Banking sector depth and economic growth: Empirical evidence from Vietnam. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(3), 751-761.
- Publications in 2020-2021
Khoa, D. D., Anh, P. T. T., & Duyen, L. T. M. (2020). Testing trade-off theory between networking capital and firm value: Empirical evidence from Vietnam. Annals of Financial Economics, 15(03), 2050013.
Duong, D. K., Phan, T. T. P., Pho, K. H., & McAleer, M. (2020). Impact of board characteristics and state ownership on dividend policy in Vietnam. Advances in decision sciences, (4), 1-34.
Pham, H. N. A., Ramiah, V., & Moosa, I. (2020). The effects of environmental regulation on the stock market: the French experience. Accounting & Finance, 60(4), 3279-3304., Z., Zafar, M. W., & Ali, S. (2020). Linking urbanization, human capital, and the ecological footprint in G7 countries: an empirical analysis. Sustainable Cities and Society, 55, 102064.
Tiwari, A. K., Trabelsi, N., Alqahtani, F., & Raheem, I. D. (2020). Systemic risk spillovers between crude oil and stock index returns of G7 economies: Conditional value-at-risk and marginal expected shortfall approaches. Energy Economics, 86, 104646.
Ali, S., Rehman, M. U., Shahzad, S. J. H., Raza, N., & Vinh Vo, X. (2020). Financial integration in emerging economies: an application of threshold cointegration. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 25(4), 213-228.
Suu, N. D., Luu, T. Q., Pho, K. H., & McAleer, M. (2020). Net interest margin of commercial banks in Vietnam. Advances in Decision Sciences, 24(1), 1-27.
Le, H. M., Nguyen, T. T., & Hoang, T. C. (2020). Organizational culture, management accounting information, innovation capability and firm performance. Cogent Business & Management, 7(1), 1857594.
- Publications in 2019-2020
Nguyen, P. D. T., Do, T. N. T., & Dempsey, M. J. (2019). The Determinants of Capital Structure: New Evidence from Listed Companies in Vietnam. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 67(6), 1587-1595.
Al-Yahyaee, K. H., Mensi, W., Al-Jarrah, I. M. W., & Tiwari, A. K. (2019). Testing for the Granger-causality between returns in the US and GIPSI stock markets. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 531, 120950.
Tiwari, A. K., & Menegaki, A. N. (2019). A time varying approach on the price elasticity of electricity in India during 1975–2013. Energy, 183, 385-397.
Hoang, T. C., & Joseph, D. M. (2019). The effect of new corporate accounting regime on earnings management: Evidence from Vietnam. Journal of International Studies, 12(1).
Doan, H. T. T., & Long, T. Q. (2019). Technical change, exports, and employment growth in China: A structural decomposition analysis. Asian Economic Papers, 18(2), 28-46.
Le, P. T., Harvie, C., Arjomandi, A., & Borthwick, J. (2019). Financial liberalisation, bank ownership type and performance in a transition economy: The case of Vietnam. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 57, 101182.
Tiwari, A. K., Raheem, I. D., & Kang, S. H. (2019). Time-varying dynamic conditional correlation between stock and cryptocurrency markets using the copula-ADCC-EGARCH model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 535, 122295.
Seetanah, B., Sannassee, R. V., Fauzel, S., Soobaruth, Y., Giudici, G., & Nguyen, A. P. H. (2019). Impact of economic and financial development on environmental degradation: evidence from small island developing states (SIDS). Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(2), 308-322.
- Publications in 2018-2019
Tiwari, A.K. and Menegaki, A.N., 2019. A time varying approach on the price elasticity of electricity in India during 1975–2013. Energy.
Hoang, T.C., Abeysekera, I. and Ma, S., 2019. Earnings Quality and Corporate Social Disclosure: The Moderating Role of State and Foreign Ownership in Vietnamese Listed Firms. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(2), pp.272-288.,
- Publications in 2017-2018
Park, K., Jung, M. and Lee, S., 2018. Credit ratings and convertible bond prices: a simulation-based valuation. The European Journal of Finance, 24(12), pp.1001-1025. (SSCI),
Trinh, L.Q. and Doan, H.T.T., 2018. Internationalization and the growth of Vietnamese micro, small, and medium sized enterprises: Evidence from panel quantile regressions. Journal of Asian Economics, 55, pp.71-83. (SSCI),
Suu Nguyen Duy, Nghiem quy hao, Nhu nguyen thi quynh,transmission of monetary policy through asset pricing in vietnam, IFCE, 2018
Long, T.Q., 2018. Becoming a high-growth firm in a developing country: The role of co-funding. Finance Research Letters. (SSCI),
Dempsey, M., Gunasekarage, A. and Truong, T.T., 2018. The association between dividend payout and firm growth: Australian evidence. Accounting & Finance. (SSCI),
Hoang, T.C., Abeysekera, I. and Ma, S., 2018. Board diversity and corporate social disclosure: evidence from Vietnam. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(3), pp.833-852. (SSCI),
Dempsey, M., 2019. Discounting methods and personal taxes. European Financial Management, 25(2), pp.310-324. (SSCI),
Seetanah, B., Sannassee, R.V., Fauzel, S., Soobaruth, Y., Giudici, G. and Nguyen, A.P.H., 2019. Impact of economic and financial development on environmental degradation: evidence from small island developing states (SIDS). Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(2), pp.308-322.
Pham, H.N.A., Ramiah, V. and Moosa, I., 2019. The effects of environmental regulation on the stock market: the French experience. Accounting & Finance.
Solarin, S.A., Tiwari, A.K. and Bello, M.O., 2019. A multi-country convergence analysis of ecological footprint and its components. Sustainable Cities and Society, 46, p.101422.
- Publications in 2016-2017
Nguyen Duy Suu, Kênh tín dụng trong truyền dẫn chính sách tiền tệ tại Việt Nam, Tạp chí kinh tế và dự báo, tháng 9 (630) – 2016
Nguyen Duy Suu, Nghiem Qui Hao, Kênh giá cả tài sản trong truyền dẫn chính sách tiền tệ tại Việt Nam, Tạp chí kinh tế Kinh tế và dự báo, tháng 3/ 2017
Nguyen Duy Suu, Nghiem Quy Hao, Nguyen Tran Hong Van, The Effect of Working Capital on Firm Perfomance: New Evidences from Seafoods Companies in Vietnam, The Conference of Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practic in Tomas Bata University, 2017
Nghiem Quy Hao, Phung Quang Hung, Nguyen Duy Suu, The Predictatbility of Time Series Momentum: International Effects, The Conference of Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practic in Tomas Bata University, 2017
DonVito Valle, Pavelková Drahomíra, Agglomeration Economies and Firm-level Performance: Evidence from the Industrial and Agricultural Sectors, The Conference of Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practic in Tomas Bata University, 2017
Le Bao Thy, Huynh Nguyen Minh Tam, Pham Ngoc Ai Nhi, The Efficient Market and Financial Bubbles: Evidence from Vietnamese Stock Market, The Conference of Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practic in Tomas Bata University, 2017
Hoang Cam Trang, The Effect of State Ownership on Earnings Management: Evidence from Vietnamese Listed Firms, The Conference of Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practic in Tomas Bata University, 2017
Liang Chia Chin, Hoang Cam Trang, Effects of u.s. Economic Policy Uncertainty on Stock Price in Vietnam: an Ardl Bound Test Approach, The Conference of Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practic in Tomas Bata University, 2017
Doan, A.T., Lin, K.L. and Doong, S.C., 2018. What drives bank efficiency? The interaction of bank income diversification and ownership. International Review of Economics & Finance, 55, pp.203-219. (SSCI),
Le, V.H., De Haan, J. and Dietzenbacher, E., 2018. Industry Wages Across Countries and Over Time: A New Database of Micro Survey Data. Review of Income and Wealth, 64(1), pp.1-25. (SSCI),
- Publications in 2014-2015
Nguyen Thi Bich Loan, Bui Duc Nha; Các nhân tố tác động đến hiệu quả hoạt động của thị trường chứng khoán Việt Nam, Tạp chí quản lý kinh tế, 2013
Nguyen Thi Bich Loan, Bui Duc Nha; Tác động của chính sách tiền tệ đối với hoạt động của thị trường chứng khoán Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Tạp chí Kinh tế và phát triển, 2013
Nguyen Thi Bich Loan, Nguyen Gia Duong; Minh bạch thông tin – Vấn đề cấp thiết của thị trường chứng khoán Việt Nam, Tạp chí nghiên cứu tài chính kế toán, 2013
Nguyen Thi Bich Loan; Phát triển ngành bất động sản sau khủng hoảng: kinh nghiệm Thái Lan và gợi ý cho Việt Nam; Tạp chí Nghiên cứu kinh tế, 2014
Do Thi Thanh Nhan, Le Tuan Bach, Nguyen Thanh Trung; Stock-Market Efficiency in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Vienamese Stock Market, Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practice, 7th, pp. 204- 216, 2015
Bui Duc Nha, Nguyen Thi Bich Loan, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nhung; Do Investors Herd in Frontier Stock Markets, Empirical Evidence from VietnameseStock Market, Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practice, 7th, pp. 146-162, 2015
Ho Thanh Tung; Regulatory Capital Requirement under BASEL, the Ability to Perform of Vietnamese Commercial Banks, Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practice, 7th, pp. 385-399, 2015
Nguyen Duy Suu, Bui Thi Phuong Thao; The interest rate channel in the transmission of monetary policy in in vietnam, Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practice, 7th, pp. 1058- 1073, 2015
Nguyen Duy Suu, Phung Quang Hung;Credit channel in monetary policy transmission in vietnam, Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practice, 7th, pp. 1074- 1087, 2015
Nguyen Duy Suu, Bui Thi Phuong Thao; The Exchange rate channel of monetary policy transmission, 2nd International Conference on Finance and Economics, pp. 174-189, 2015
Nguyen Duy Suu, Phung Quang Hung;Interest rate policy in Transmission of Monetary policy prior to and since the WTO joining in Viet Nam, 2nd International Conference on Finance and Economics, pp. 201- 213, 2015
Ho Thanh Tung; The impact of Basel Standards on Banks' lending activitives: an empirical evidence from Vietnam in the Begining, The international conference on finance and economics, pp. 214 – 228, 2015
Ho Thanh Tung; The impact of Basel standards on Banks’ lending activities: an empirical evidence from Vietnam; EBES, 2015.
- Publications in 2013-2014
Nguyen Thi Bich Loan; Một số đề xuất nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả giám sát giao dịch trên thị trương chứng khoán; Tạp chí Thị trường Tài chính và tiền tệ, 2013
Nguyen Thi Bich Loan; Nhận định về xu hướng tập trung kinh tế trong ngành chứng khoán ở Việt Nam; Tạp chí công nghệ ngân hàng, 2009
Bui Duc Nha; Tiêu chuẩn định lượng đối với cổ phiếu niêm yết trên sàn HOSE: Những vấn đề còn tồn tại; Tạp chí Thị trường Tài chính và tiền tệ, 2013
Bui Duc Nha, Nguyen Thi Bich Loan, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nhung; Determinants of Capital Structure Choice: Empirical Evidence from Vietnam Listed Companies; International conference on finance and Economics, pp. 76-89, 2014
Le Tuan Bach, Do Thi Thanh Nhan, Pham Vo Dai Quang; Cash Holding and Firm Value: Evidence from Vietnamese Market; International conference on finance and Economics, pp. 344-357, 2014
Nguyen Gia Duong, Nguyen Thi Hai Binh, Le Truong Niem; The Test of Free Cash Flow Theory: Evidence From Dividend Policy in Vietnam; International conference on finance and Economics, pp. 415-422, 2014
Nguyen Ngoc Danh, Do Thi Thanh Nhan, Doan Minh Tin, Nguyen Thi Mong Thu; The Impact of Banking Regulations on the TFP Growth of Commercial Bank: A Case Study of Five Asean Economies; International conference on finance and Economics, pp. 457-474, 2014
Nguyen Thi My Thanh, Nguyen Thi Bich Loan, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nhung; Asymmetric Information: Empirical Evidence from Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange; International conference on finance and Economics, pp. 499-513, 2014
Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nhung, Nguyen Thi Bich Loan, Bui Duc Nha; Stock Returns Predictability and Market Timing Trading - Evidence From Malaysian Stock Market; International conference on finance and Economics, pp. 528-551, 2014
Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nhung; Price Limits and Stock Market Volatility: Empirical Evidence from the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange, Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practice, 7th, pp. 1102- 1111, 2015