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More than 500 students attended the securities investment seminar of the Faculty of TCNH-TDTU with Rong Viet Securities Company
More than 500 students from the faculties of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) attended the Workshop "Introduction to Securities Investment" held at Ton Duc Thang University, on November 15, 2021.
The seminar to give advice on the training program of the banking and finance industry with businesses
On October 23, 2021, the Faculty of Finance and Banking, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) organized an online seminar "Supplying ideas to improve the Banking and Finance training program". Attending the Seminar were leaders of the Faculty of Finance and Banking (TCNH), Head teachers, lecturers, Faculty staff and guests of the Faculty.
Launch the program THE NEXT BANKER 2022
Faculty of Finance and Banking cooperated with Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ACB) to launch The Next Banker 2022 season 5 with the theme "Conquering the polygon of capacity".
Ton Duc Thang University cooperates with HDBank
At this cooperation signing event, HDBank also awarded scholarships worth 35 million VND to TDTU students.
Solemnly opening the "Securities investment" contest 2021
On April 26, 2021, at Ton Duc Thang University, the Organizing Committee of the Investment Challenge contest solemnly held the Opening Ceremony of the Securities Investment Contest "INVESTMENT CHALLENGE 2021" - IC 2021.
Finalist of Ring the Golden Bell Contest 2021
The contest attracted more than 3000 candidates from all faculties of the university to compete for knowledge in the fields of culture, society, sports, English, general understanding of TDTU, the contest was over. thrilling and has many interesting situations.
TDTU signed the Memorandum of Understanding with CPA Australia
Based on the available needs and capabilities, the two sides have committed to implementing career guidance activities, training soft skills, and connecting job opportunities for TDTU students
Information about friendly businesses
Brief information about friendly businesses that always accompany the Faculty of Finance and Banking in the process of construction and development.
Ton Duc Thang University and Vietnam Banking Association organized a conference "Mobile payment in Vietnam - Challenges and prospects"
the Workshop was an opportunity to exchange, discuss, useful information and provide practical recommendations and proposals to the concerned state management agencies, with solutions, timely and appropriate policies.
Ton Duc Thang University signed a MOU with PVcomBank
The cooperation program between TDTU and PvComBank will include: visit / trainee / apprenticeship program for TDTU students
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