Celebrating 15 Years of Establishment and Development of the Faculty of Finance and Banking
On the morning of September 14, 2024, the Faculty of Finance and Banking at Ton Duc Thang University organized an anniversary ceremony to celebrate its 15-year journey of establishment and development. The ceremony commemorated the 15 years since the establishment of the Finance and Banking Faculty (September 15th, 2009 - September 15th, 2024) and took place at Hall 6B.
The Faculty of Finance and Banking originated from the Department of Finance and Banking, which was a part of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance. On September 15, 2009, the Faculty of Finance and Banking separated from the Faculty of Accounting and Finance and became the Faculty of Finance and Banking according to Decision No. 904/TĐT-TCHC signed on September 4, 2009, with the educational philosophy of "Solid knowledge - Sustainable career."
The anniversary ceremony of 15 years of establishment of the Finance and Banking Faculty took place at Hall 6B.
The 15th Anniversary Ceremony of the Finance and Banking Faculty was attended by: Dr. Vo Hoang Duy - Vice President of Ton Duc Thang University, Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Loan - Former Dean of the Finance and Banking Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Ha - Former Head of the Finance and Banking Faculty, distinguished faculty leaders, representatives of various departments and faculties of Ton Duc Thang University, generations of lecturers and students, representatives of friendly businesses since its establishment.
Over the past 15 years, despite facing numerous challenges and difficulties, the Finance and Banking Faculty has achieved remarkable growth in both quantity and quality. The Faculty's teaching, training, and research activities have reached significant milestones, contributing to the fulfillment of the University's goals and mission.
Dr. Vo Hoang Duy, Vice President of Ton Duc Thang University, delivered a congratulatory speech to the Faculty.
In terms of training scale, the current number of students in the Finance and Banking program exceeds 2,000, with four undergraduate training programs including: a standard program, high-quality program, English program, and international joint training program. Among them, students have many options to choose from various advanced training programs that meet international standards, such as the 3+1 joint training program with Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), the 2+2 program with Feng Chia University (Taiwan), and the 2+1.5 program with Massey University (New Zealand).
To achieve a 100% employment rate for the Faculty's graduates one year after graduation, it is essential to highlight the quality training program that meets international accreditation standards, as well as the Faculty's correct orientations and policies during the integration and development process.
Currently, over 70% of the lecturers hold doctoral degrees or are actively pursuing doctoral studies. The Faculty's lecturers have many years of experience working in enterprises in the fields of finance and banking, primarily trained in international environments.
In 2015, the Faculty of Finance and Banking reached a significant milestone by redesigning its program. The redesign was based on the curricula of the top 100 universities worldwide and feedback from various stakeholders. The goal was to create a training program with distinctive features, including a 100% English curriculum, a focus on soft skills, and a research-oriented and professional teaching approach. These changes were made to enhance students' competitiveness in accessing job opportunities both domestically and globally.
In 2019, the Bachelor’s program in Finance and Banking of the Faculty of Finance and Banking at Ton Duc Thang University was successfully accredited according to AUN-QA standards and received a certificate valid for five years. By 2024, the Faculty of Finance and Banking has conducted a re-accreditation of the Bachelor’s program. Additionally, the master's training program in Finance and Banking also achieved FIBAA accreditation in 2023.
The Faculty aims to prepare students who complete the bachelor's program to meet the required standards for further education or research in the finance and banking field. To achieve this, it has established partnerships with more than 20 reputable professional organizations and businesses in the finance and banking sector. Additionally, the Faculty has entered into several cooperation agreements to offer comprehensive learning experiences that integrate theoretical knowledge with practical applications in real-world business settings.
Annually, the Faculty organizes an Open Day job fair, career-oriented workshops, and internship programs connecting a variety of businesses in the fields of finance, insurance, and banking with the Faculty’s students, providing opportunities for all students to engage directly with businesses and understand the current market demands and requirements.
The Faculty also focuses on enhancing international cooperation activities. This includes expanding partnerships, educational linkages, professional exchanges, and research collaborations with reputable universities worldwide. Some of the key partner universities include Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic, Feng Chia University in Taiwan, and Massey University in New Zealand. Additionally, the Faculty actively works to attract experts and scientists for collaboration, as well as to exchange professors and lecturers with major foreign partners. These efforts aim to provide an advanced working and learning environment for the Faculty's lecturers and students.
The Faculty of Finance and Banking has been investing in scientific research alongside its training activities since its inception. The faculty encourages and supports its lecturers and students to participate in research activities. Faculty members can share research methods and topics through monthly Journal Club meetings and take part in academic seminars with approachable professors. Furthermore, students in the Finance and Banking program have opportunities to engage in scientific research through the Student Scientific Research program at Ton Duc Thang University, the Euréka Scientific Award, specialized workshops, and co-authoring articles with lecturers for both domestic and international publications. As of now, the Faculty of Finance and Banking has achieved 96 international publications, 12 domestic publications, and 113 student research projects, and has also organized 5 international workshops.
The Faculty of Finance and Banking has co-organized international workshops on economics and finance with partner universities abroad. These include events like the International Conference on Finance and Economics, the 11th Asia-Pacific Financial Management Association (FMA) Conference in 2019, the International Workshop on Blockchain and Advanced Financial Management in 2022, the International Conference on Financial Management and Economics in 2023, and the 8th International Conference on Finance and Economics in 2024. In 2019, the Faculty of Finance and Banking at Ton Duc Thang University co-hosted the 11th Asia-Pacific Financial Management Association (FMA) Conference with the International Association for Financial Management. The conference featured 49 sessions, including one dedicated to doctoral candidates, and attracted over 200 leading experts from around the world, as well as many researchers, lecturers, and doctoral candidates globally.
The Faculty of Finance and Banking has made significant contributions to Ton Duc Thang University's mission over the past 15 years. These achievements are the result of the dedicated efforts of faculty members and staff, guided by the university leadership, and supported by various departments. The collaboration of generations of lecturers, students, and friendly businesses has also played a vital role in these accomplishments.
The celebration program took place in a warm and emotional atmosphere. The entire hall listened to heartfelt shares from esteemed lecturers, distinguished guests, and representatives of alumni. The commemorative footage, although brief, contained memorable moments and experiences of the large family of the Faculty of Finance and Banking at Ton Duc Thang University.
The celebration program concluded with a heartfelt expression of gratitude from the Faculty of Finance and Banking to the individuals and groups who have been closely associated with and excelled in the Faculty's activities. The milestone of 15 years not only marks the achievements attained but also serves as motivation for the Faculty of Finance and Banking to embark on a new journey toward conquering new goals in the future.
Here are some other images from the ceremony:
Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Loan, Former Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, shared her emotions
Mr. Truong Hien Phuong, Senior Director of KIS Vietnam Securities Corporation, represented the friendly enterprises and shared the process of training cooperation with the Faculty
The hall listened to the congratulations from Prof. Chune Young Chung, Chung Ang University
Mr. Le Xuan Vu, Head of Business Department - Yuanta Securities Company, an alumnus of the Faculty, expressed his thoughts
The hall watched the footage capturing the 15-year journey of the Faculty's establishment and development
MSc. Nguyen Gia Duong, in charge of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, presented flowers to the former leaders of the Faculty
The Faculty leaders presented commemorative medals to representatives of the Faculty's friendly enterprises.
The Faculty leaders presented commemorative medals to representatives of the Faculty's friendly enterprises.
MSc. Nguyen Gia Duong, in charge of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, awarded a commemorative medal to Dr. Nghiem Quy Hao, Head of the Communication and Public Relations Department, for supporting business connection activities.
MSc. Nguyen Gia Duong also presented a commemorative medal to faculty members who contributed to scientific research activities.
MSc. Nguyen Gia Duong awarded a commemorative medal to lecturers who excelled in international cooperation activities.
Dr. Vo Hoang Duy and Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Loan presented commemorative medals to lecturers who have been working at the Faculty for over 10 years.
The hall gathered for a commemorative photoa
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