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Conference "Human Resources in Finance and Banking industry in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution"

On the morning of July 20, 2008, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) and the Vietnam Banks Association jointly held a conference "Human Resources in Finance and Banking industry in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution" with the attendance of experts, and leader from many financial institutions and commercial banks in Vietnam.

At the conference, participants discussed many issues related to the challenges and opportunities that the human resources sector of the financial and banking industry faced under the Industrial Revolution such as: Develop human resource in Finance-Banking to requirement of 4.0 Industrial Revolution; Internet platform and application of digital economy/digital finance in Vietnam; Applying new technologies to electronic payment; the inevitable trend of digital banking in the 4.0 Revolution; Job opportunities in Banking and Finance sector 4.0; Ommi-Channel services. The conference also benefits students who must prepare well to cope with requirements brought by the 4.0 Industrial Revolution.

Some pictures of the conference:






