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Faculty of Finance and Banking’s English Club Organized a Session about Stock Market and Stock Market Volatility

The Faculty of Finance and Banking’s English Club (FNB English Club) has been active since 2016 with many projects. This time, the Club successfully launched another academic meeting regarding the topic “Stock market & Stock market volatility”. The meeting took place at Ton Duc Thang University’s Inspire Library in the morning of December 23, in the presence of Dr. Pham Nguyen Anh Huy – lecturer from Faculty of Finance and Banking and members of FNB Club.

The meeting started with the introduction of Dr. Pham Nguyen Anh Huy about the main subjects: Stock. After defining ‘Stock’, Dr. Pham Huy continued to mention important participants in the market from Publisher, Investor to Underwriter and the IPO. In the next section, Dr. Pham and the students discussed “Stock market volatility” together. The students gave their opinions in “Factors that can affect the price of share” and explained reasons to back up their ideas. Afterward, Dr. Pham summed up all the correct factors and added other crucial elements to complete the list.

The meeting ended in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere. Through the game and discussions, the students were able to speak more confidently in English and got more comfortable with finance subjects.

Photos of the meeting: