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Ton Duc Thang University organizes an international conference on blockchain

Experts from many countries around the world participated in the conference on Blockchain and Advanced Financial Management (ICBAFM) at Ton Duc Thang University.

The conference was organized in two forms, face-to-face and online, on June 23 and 24 with the cooperation of professors and doctors from universities around the world including: Faculty of Finance and Banking (Ton Duc Thang University); Michigan State University (USA); Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), Tomas Bata University in Zlín (Czech Republic); Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), Fengchia University (Taiwan); Diponegoro University and the University of Islam (Indonesia)... The seminar also had the participation of experts from such units as Tago, Vconomics, Unicorn Fintech (Ufin),... and the Transformation Alliance. number changer (DTS).

Dr. Ho Thanh Tung speaks at the opening ceremony

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Dr. Ho Thanh Tung of Ton Duc Thang University emphasized the changing global trend and trend of digitalisation. In particular, blockchain technology is creating drastic changes in governance and finance. The International Conference on Blockchain and Advanced Financial Management (ICBAFM 2022) is organized to capture this technology development, create a forum for scientific information exchange, technology transfer, blockchain application, technology, etc. information technology in the field of finance and economic management.

ICBAFM 2022 is a place where scientists and experts present the latest research on economic and financial management, blockchain technology as well as the impact of projects on business activities, organizations and the economy. Generally speaking.

A team of professors, doctors from international universities and Vietnamese experts attended the seminar

Topics discussed throughout the conference program are digital technology and blockchain; regulations and rules of technology in finance; blockchain solutions, big data; financial markets, financial institutions in the age of technology; Fintech behavior and performance. Next are topics on financial management and economics such as financial economics, behavioral finance, business models, financial planning, international trade, etc.

In addition, the event also held a workshop with the theme "Application of blockchain in finance and banking" to connect and open up opportunities for scientific cooperation between universities, institutes and research centers around the world. world, industry associations and businesses in Vietnam.

Representatives of associations, organizations and businesses participated in the Conference.

The workshop program is co-organized by the Faculty of Finance and Banking (Ton Duc Thang University) in conjunction with the Center for Applied Economics Research and Training (CETAR) and the Center for Digital Asset Management (TSS) under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance. supported by the Vietnam Financial Consultants Association (VFCA). The event had the presence of Mr. Truong Gia Bao - Chairman of DTS Digital Transformation Alliance - Vice President of VFCA; Mr. Phan Minh Dat - Director of TSS Digital Asset Management Center; Mr. Nguyen The Cuong – CEO of Vconomics,... This event is sponsored by Pinee Tree Securities Company, Tan Viet Securities Company, PVCombank and Amicoach Academy and is free of charge for guests.